It is ready-to-use straight out of the box.
Merely understand the large easy-to-read display and audible warnings. The intelligence built into the EMC-20H manages everything else. It automatically, seamlessly, and constantly adapts to your personal diving style, water temperature, salt/fresh water, ascent rates, and altitude . It even has a built in 'Flight Data Recorder' that records changes in altitude during your flight to and from the dive destination. (Eighteen percent of the DCI incidences occurred during or immediately after a Post-dive change of altitude.) Multi-blend configuration features Cochran's patented gas blend switching.
Available configured for:
- Air Only One Mix Nitrox
- 1 FO2 Two Mix Nitrox
- 2 FO2 One Mix Nitrox Switchable to One PO2
- 1 FO2 / 1 PO2
- Two Mix Nitrox Switchable to Two PO2
- 2 FO2 / 2 PO2 One Mix Nitrox + Helium (One Mix
Trimix or Heliox)
- 1 FO2 + He Three Mix Nitrox + Helium (Three Mix
Trimix or Heliox )
- 3 FO2 + He One Mix Nitrox + Helium (One Mix
Trimix or Heliox) Switchable to One PO2 + Helium (Trimix Diluent)
- 1 FO2 / 1 PO2 + He Three Mix Nitrox + Helium
(Three Mix Trimix or Heliox) Switchable to Two PO2 + Helium (Trimix
- 3 FO2 / 2 PO2 + He
Tutti i prodotti del
catalogo Tactical & Military sono destinati ad un utenza militare e
pertanto le vendite sono riservate esclusivamente a personale militare,
amministrazioni dello Stato.
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