giovedì 1 marzo 2012


The Navy AIR III is listed on the Authorized for Military Use AMU list (1.9.2)

The Navy AIR III, Yellow varient is authorized for fleet applications. Navy AIR III dive computer comes standard with Cochran's hands-free fiber optic night light.

On the surface the dive control supervisors may review the most recent 256 dives in complete detail by using Cochran's Navy Analyst.

The Divers profiles may be sent by way of the Internet directly to any FTP site or e-mailed for off dive site review. The Navy NSW III dive computer has additional features that can be set by the dive control supervisors using Cochran's Master Navy Analyst; one such feature is the shallow water protocol, when used it may once and for all determine what diver has the best buoyancy control.

The Navy NSW III dive computer with the US Navy's VVal 18 algorithm when used with the Navy Master Analyst edition permits complete dive planning using any combination of oxygen/nitrogen in open/closed circuit or surface supplied diving, featuring Cochran's patented gas switching technology.

Sales are restricted to special applications at this time.

Maximum Depth: 328 feet (100 meters)
Mounting Options Wrist Mount
Standard Choice of Standard Red Backlight or Optional Yellow Wrist
Unit Case Color: Yellow - Standard Dive Summary Storage 256 Dives Dive Profile Memory (at One-Second Sampling): 1450 Dive Hours Interdive Profiling (Records Events Between Dives such as Altitude Changes) User Changeable Batteries Uses one 3V Lithium Battery (CR12600SE or CR2NP) or two 1.5V N-Cell size Alkaline batteries. Battery Life is Over 400 Dive Hours Automatic Altitude Acclimatization up to 16,000 Feet

L'elevato grado di specializzazione dei prodotti ad uso militare ha richiesto l'apertura di una specifica divisione.
Tutti i prodotti del catalogo Tactical & Military sono destinati ad un utenza militare e pertanto le vendite sono riservate esclusivamente a personale militare, amministrazioni dello Stato.

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